Monday, March 5, 2012

Hypoglycemia & Glucose-Helpful Tip!

Here I go self-diagnosing again!  I try to eat really well, but still forget sometimes that it's time to eat (or I'll leave my "feed bag" at home).  When this happens, I get hypoglycemic, which means my blood sugar (glucose) is low.  And when our glucose is low, our liver isn't detoxing our liver as efficiently!

I keep glucose tablets on hand for this reason.  They're easily available in most drug stores and online, and they contain almost 100% glucose, which is the most efficient sugar to use when the body hits a low sugar period.  And since glucose isn’t any form of controlled or dangerous substance, they can be purchased without a prescription.  I think diabetics keep them on hand, just in case they need a quick glucose fix.  In fact, I was in a restaurant not long ago where a gentleman was having a diabetic episode, so I gave his wife a couple of glucose tablets to hold him over while he waited for an ambulance.

It's not often that I need to have one (maybe once every couple of weeks), but it's nice to pop one if I feel a headache or brain fog coming on.  I had to go into a house with black mold not long ago and started immediately getting a headache and feeling nauseaus (airborne toxin!).  I ate a glucose tablet and felt better within about two minutes.

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